This time around I busted out my shorts again. Just as I did for my Palm Desert get away. My blue and white seersucker shorts are cool because not only are they comfortable but they are starting to do that wear and tear look toward the bottom of the shorts. Then for a shirt I used this yellow shirt from J. Crew (which you'll see me use quite often) that is really soft and light. As for my madras tie, well I had to use it because its fun to add some detail to an otherwise easily copied outfit. Plus I love madras. I love the crazy patterns but I mostly enjoy watching how others look at it. For me this look is pretty simple and it does so without evoking that bummy sensation that I try to avoid. Oh! also I wore my Purcells to give me look that summery feel. Okay well thats it for this post. Thanks for reading.
My word em' up fashion say-something-deep-quote: Connection to our details is what makes up our style. It will in the end be these details that give life to our sense of fashion.